General Hospital Recap: Nina Finally Made A Grown-Up Choice

Is 2024 the year of a whole new Nina Reeves?

The General Hospital recap for Friday, January 26, 2024, features Nina putting family over fame and revenge and making the mature decision.

General Hospital Recap Highlights

Also in this episode, Chase and Dante flew to Toronto in search of Esme. Back in Port Charles, Anna turned down a life-changing offer from Laura, and later, made a startling realization with Jordan. Sonny asked Ava to fly away, while Trina offered to book a ticket home for Spencer. Finally, Finn’s trial was underway and Sam may be his saving grace. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into the details.

Revenge No More

Nina (Cynthia Watros) took to Charlie’s to have some wine, wallow in self-pity, and cry to Valentin (James Patrick Stuart). He wasn’t about to allow all that, though. Nina may be down, but she’s not out. He suggested they team up, open a new publication, and take Crimson down!

While that sounded all fine and good on the surface, Nina thought better of it. She didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize her chances of getting back into Willow’s good graces. The risk would not be worth the reward.

Also showing up at the pub were Sonny (Maurice Benard) and Ava (Maura West). They need a drink after Brick (Stephen A. Smith) gave them the rundown of his findings. Austin’s death, Curtis’s shooting, and Ava’s stalker were all connected…by the WSB! Sonny promptly ordered more security. Yes, even for Nina.

Unfortunately, the trip to the bar did very little to calm Sonny’s nerves. Ava was kind to Nina upon seeing her, but Sonny was not. Sure, he was willing to protect her but he didn’t want to be around her. He and Ava sat at the bar and he stewed over watching Nina be friendly with her ex. He stewed himself into offering to hide out with Ava on his private island.

The Calm Before The Storm

Also turning down a job offer was Anna (Finola Hughes). Laura (Genie Francis) tried to talk her into rejoining the Port Charles Police Department in her old job as Police Commissioner, but Anna said no. She wasn’t ready for that and didn’t think she deserved it after shooting Charlotte. Even Jordan couldn’t change her mind.

While that was bad news for Laura, she did get good news about Kevin (Jon Lindstrom). He was expected to wake up soon and Portia (Brook Kerr) expected him to make a full recovery. More good news came when they heard from Spencer (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) and Trina (Tabyana Ali). They were safe in Paris.

Speaking of Spencer and Trina, they were excited to start their new lives overseas. They got checked into the hotel, made that phone call home, and showed each other their prized turtle doves. How sweet. However, upon hearing of the drama in Port Charles, Trina suggested he catch a flight home to be with his family.


Meanwhile, back at the hospital, Brick caught up with Jordan and told her the phone call she got came from a burner cell near Pentonville. She relayed the information to Anna and they realized the caller was none other than Brennan!

Also at the hospital was Chase (Joshua Swickard). He was only there long enough to catch Laura up on the hunt for Esme and get permission for him and Dante (Dominic Zamprogna) to fly to Toronto. Which they did. They rushed to the nanny’s apartment, met with the local cops, and started banging on the door.

Nothing But A Money Grab

Over at the courthouse, Finn (Michael Easton) was sweating hard as he, Gregory (Gregory Harrison), and Liz (Rebecca Herbst) met up with Martin (Michael E. Knight) and Sam (Kelly Monaco). Sam had interesting intel about Muldoon visiting a medical office but she could not confirm he specifically saw an oncologist.

With that, Sam ran off to keep chasing leads and the others entered the courtroom and the trial began. Diane (Carolyn Hennesy) and Martin each gave their opening statements before Diane put Mrs. Muldoon on the stand.

Diane asked his wife if Muldoon had any signs or symptoms. He went from healthy to hospice. The hospice staff told her the cancer would have been found with even the most basic tests. Upon cross examination, she admitted she wasn’t there when Muldoon met with Finn and was told to return for further tests.

Finn was on the stand next. Diane questioned him. She talked to him about finding the cure for Blackwood’s disease. How can he do that and not detect cancer? She also brought up him being suspended years ago. Martin did his best to fix the damage but it wasn’t looking great.

Thankfully, during the break Sam showed up with some rather titling info about Muldoon. The family was in financial ruins. They were huge investors in Aurora and when the stock crashed, so did they. It seems Muldoon set up Finn so he could set up his family after his death.
