A Clever Michonne Parallel Perfectly Explains The Walking Dead’s A & B Difference

Michonne has two separate interviews in The Ones Who Live, which perfectly explain the biggest differences between As and Bs in The Walking Dead.

The Ones Who Live episode 2 predominantly focused on Michonne’s journey to find Rick, and it featured one parallel that cleverly showed the difference between As and Bs. After Michonne’s Walking Dead exit, she goes searching for Rick and stumbles across some injured survivors, Aiden and Bailey. Michonne is interviewed by the group’s leader after helping the couple back to their community. Later in the episode, after her reunion with Rick, Michonne is interviewed by the CRM, which resembles the earlier interview . Despite the similarities between these scenes, one notable difference highlights what separates As and Bs.

The Walking Dead finally explained As and Bs true meaning in The Ones Who Live’s first episode, but episode 2 perfectly visualized this. With As being leaders who will die for what they believe in and Bs being ordinary people just looking to survive, each of Michonne’s interviews perfectly captures both types of people. Michonne’s first interview is a true reflection of her personality, highlighting that she is a selfless leader who will risk her life for what’s right. Her second interview sees her put on a persona to avoid being killed by the CRM, with clear differences between each personality.

Michonne’s Honest Caravan Interview Shows Her True Nature As An A

Michonne is interviewed by the leader of Aiden and Bailey’s group, which displays Michonne’s true nature as an A. The caravan group’s philosophy involves always moving forward, making Michonne’s decision to help some strangers all the more surprising to them. After explaining that she helped the injured survivors without an agenda, both the leader, Elle, and Nat are surprised by how selfless her decision is. This is a perfect indication of what makes Michonne an A. She is strong, independent, and won’t leave others behind, even if they don’t have a pre-established relationship with her, making Michonne a true leader.

While Michonne does have something to gain from her interview, she is being completely honest about her motivations and goals. She simply wants to find Rick and helping Aiden and Bailey wasn’t about getting leverage, it was simply the right thing to do. Michonne’s mindset inspires Nat, Aiden, and Bailey to leave The Walking Dead’s wagon community and help her on her journey, emphasizing how influential she is. Michonne’s ability to inspire her new allies to leave their home and help on her mission is exactly what the CRM is afraid of, and is the main reason they kill As.


Michonne’s CRM Interview Highlights How B Characters Are Different

Michonne’s CRM interview contrasts her personality at the start of the episode and reveals just how different Bs are. She hides who she truly is and comes up with a fake story to get accepted into the Civic Republic. Her personality in this interview is different, although she cleverly uses some truths to help sell her story. She claims that the place is exactly what she’s been looking for, indicating that all she wants is a safe place to stay. The reality is that the Civic Republic contains what she is looking for, but it isn’t safety that she seeks.

She is clearly referring to Rick, proving there is some truth to her lie. Michonne pretends that she doesn’t mind being watched or that she can never leave, which is the sort of mindset that Bs would have. This contradicts her more honest interview where she shows no interest in staying with the wagon group due to having a goal that won’t be stopped by anything. Her true motivation is getting home with Rick in The Ones Who Live and these interviews highlight how different As and Bs are, proving that Michonne is a leader based on her true personality.
