Andy Herren Doesn’t Want This Big Brother 25 Houseguest To Win Because They Allegedly Hate Women

Big Brother 15 winner Andy Herren has been vocal this season, sharing his thoughts online. He’s hopeful this BB 25 houseguest doesn’t win the game.

Big Brother 25 is coming to a close, but BB 15 winner Andy Herren has one final hope for the season revolving around who he doesn’t want to see win the game. While Andy has been a huge part of the Big Brother community in the decade since his win, many have found his takes to be polarizing when it comes to the game. Andy understands the game on a different level than most, having both participated in it himself and in his line of work as a professor of public speaking and media. Andy has been following Big Brother 25 closely, and has some strong feelings about the houseguests.

In a recent tweet, Andy shared that he doesn’t want to see Deaflympic gold medalist Matt Klotz win the game due to his defamatory comments against women in the house. “Honestly, I think I am rooting for Jag to win #BB25. I am so uninterested in this final 3 from a gameplay standpoint that I am just gonna go with who I like the most as a person,” Andy shared. “Matt hates women and Bowie doesn’t know where she is, so that leaves Jag.”

Andy has been vocal in his dislike for Bowie Jane, an Australian DJ who currently resides in Los Angeles, but has seen Matt’s behavior on the Big Brother live feeds, where he’s talked disparagingly about nearly every woman in the house. While Jag Bains, who recently broke the record for competition wins in a season on BB 25, may not have played the best game overall, Andy will be rooting for him over Matt or Bowie.

Why Is Matt Klotz Being Accused Of Hating Women?


While Matt has been getting a hero edit in the Big Brother 25 weekly episodes, those who watch the BB live feeds have seen a different version of him. Matt has been outspoken about the way the female houseguests have played the game, as well as the way he seems to view them as people. In recent weeks, Matt has been criticizing evicted houseguest America Lopez consistently. Matt has not only spoken out about the fact that America didn’t cook or clean for him while she was in the house, he’s made remarks about America seeming like someone who would cheat on their partner and openly called her a “b****”.

Matt, who has been heard on the BB live feeds quoting self-proclaimed misogynist Andrew Tate, has also been outspoken about Cirie Fields, Felicia Cannon, and Blue Kim in the final stretch of the game. Matt has criticized their gameplay and, in turn, shamed them all personally for behaving in a way he feels is amoral. While Matt may not feel that he hates women, he’s been outwardly critical of nearly all the women in the Big Brother 25 cast. Despite his critiques, Matt has been dependent on many of the women in the house to help him through his time on the show.

Though Andy’s critique of Matt may not encapsulate the entirety of his character, it’s been clear that the Olympic hopeful has a lot of work to do when it comes to the way he talks about others. Despite several of his fellow houseguests refusing to engage in the criticism of women in the game, Matt has continued to talk endlessly about his disdain for the female houseguests, aside from Reilly Smedley who he hopes to get into a relationship with outside the house. Matt’s Big Brother journey is coming to an end, and many hope to see him lose after his comments about his female cast mates.
