Mondays bring the Veto Ceremony to the Big Brother 25 house and with only five houseguests remaining, there shouldn’t be any surprises at this stage in the game. Matt is the Head of Household for Week 13 of Big Brother and he has nominated Felicia and Cirie for eviction. He has told Felicia that Cirie is the target and Cirie that Felicia is the target to keep them both comfortable inside the house until Eviction Night on Thursday.
As we know, Jag won the Power of Veto on Saturday afternoon. While there were some implications made to Cirie and Felicia that there might be another plan and some hopes from them that their F4 would be solid, Jag made it very clear that he wasn’t going to use the Power of Veto this week since that would put Bowie on the block. So there should be no surprises here.
Week 13 Power of Veto Ceremony Results:
- Jag did NOT use the Veto
- Cirie & Felicia are this week’s final noms
There you have it folks, we all knew that Jag had no intentions of using the Veto this week, but there has been a shift in this week’s target. When Matt won the Head of Household, Felicia was his intended target for the week, but after the Veto Competition played out on Saturday, Jag and Bowie discussed switching the target to Cirie.
The reason for the shift was how well Cirie did in the competition and they both speculated that Cirie must have been throwing competitions all season. For this reason, they were nervous about keeping her in the house and the possibility of her winning the next HOH competition and taking one of them out. After discussing it between the two of them, Jag went to Matt with the idea and pushed that they didn’t know Cirie’s full capabilities, and with the possibility of the upcoming HOH being a mental comp, they didn’t want to take the chance of her winning.
Bowie, Jag, and Matt are becoming increasingly annoyed with Felicia and there is still a lot of time between now and Thursday. Could the target shift again?