Blue Bloods Season 13 Episode 17 Spoilers: Which Member Of The Dream Team Is In Trouble?

Not only does Mayor Chase scream at him to get something done, but Frank learns that one of his Dream Team is under investigation — could these two events be related?

Blue Bloods Season 13 Episode 17 promises to be one of the most powerful hours of the series, with Frank dealing with divided loyalties in his office on top of having to handle the mayor.

Frank’s no stranger to separating professional and personal relationships. He’s always taken the position that his children should not be treated any differently than other cops on the force, even if they are upset that he’s not on their “side.”

But the Dream Team is different. They’re not Frank’s flesh and blood, but they’re family, and he needs them.

Garret and Sid often clash with him and each other over what Frank should do in a given situation, but they also help balance him out. And Abigail is often the voice of reason.

One of them will be down for the count until the investigation ends, and the others may take their co-worker’s side. That could wreak havoc with how Frank does his job.

This may be similar to when the SWAT team invaded Garrett’s home after a false report on Blue Bloods Season 8 Episode 4. After that incident, Garrett wanted more empathy from Frank, leading to a rift between them.

This could impact whoever is under investigation similarly; although they understand Frank’s need to be objective, they might want him to be on their side.

But who will it be, and why?

Garrett is the least likely this time. He’s not a cop, so the department has less reason to look into his activities. It is possible since he is an NYPD employee, but he is less likely to be accused of breaking police rules or making the department look bad.

It certainly would be ironic if he were since he’s the PR guy!

Conversely, Sid is the most likely to get into trouble. Frank moved him into his department because Sid was a hothead who kept clashing with Danny, and his disposition hasn’t improved since.

That would be interesting. Sid is always 100% on the side of any cop who is accused of wrongdoing, and he’ll be twice as passionate if the cop in question is him!

Abigail often plays a minor role, though she does occasionally investigate cases. More often than not, she acts as a receptionist and sounding board for Frank, so it’s hard to imagine her even having the opportunity to do something potentially inappropriate.

Still, Blue Bloods might surprise us!


Erin’s storyline is equally puzzling. Spoilers say she is determined to discover who is behind online attacks against Crawford.

Erin and Crawford teaming up could be compelling. They did an excellent job with that corrupt priest who wanted to pit them against each other.

But what happened to Erin’s bid for DA? It hasn’t been mentioned in weeks, and even when Erin and Jack discussed spending time together, her decision to distance herself for her campaign’s sake was barely mentioned.

Did Erin decide not to run? If so, that needs to be mentioned because it seems like the writers forgot the storyline!

Meanwhile, Jamie and Danny will team up again. This is good news, though I hope it doesn’t mean Jamie and Eddie will barely interact!

Eddie and Badillo will help a stalking victim while Danny and Jamie work to catch the people responsible for a series of carjackings. According to spoilers, Danny’s confidential informant is involved with the crimes.

This may cause problems for Danny and Jamie. Often, when a CI is involved, there are other considerations — is it worth burning the CI to get the bad guys, or can the cops find another way to handle the situation?

Danny and Jamie probably won’t see eye-to-eye on how to proceed. It’s not Jamie’s CI, and he tends to be more by the book, so he may not care about Danny’s relationship with a potential witness or suspect.

Eddie’s case should be compelling. She shines when dealing with special victims, so much so that I’ve often longed for an impossible Blue Bloods/SVU crossover.

Badillo probably won’t take this case as seriously as Eddie or will approach the victim in a way that makes her shut down. But it would be interesting if Badillo has the skills to handle this case and Eddie insists on doing everything herself because she and the victim are both women.

Women who are victims of violent crimes often feel more comfortable talking to female cops, but Badillo could still resent not being given a chance to connect with this woman too.

What do you think, Blue Bloods fanatics? Which Dream Team Member do you expect is the one in trouble? Does Erin’s storyline make sense to you? And which case are you most interested in?
