General Hospital Boss: It’s ‘Heartbreaking To Say Goodbye’ To A Beloved Member Of The Port Charles Family

“She will be sorely missed.”

It’s the end of an era at General Hospital. On March 13, executive producer Frank Valentini shared on social media that a longtime resident of Port Charles was taking her leave: workroom supervisor and costume maker Maki Chaudhuri.

It is “heartbreaking to say goodbye to our beloved Maki,” the boss wrote. “She has been a seamstress on [the show] for over 35 years. She will be sorely missed.

“Maki, best wishes on your next adventure in retirement,” he added. “All of my love, Frank.”

Valentini was far from the only one wishing Chaudhuri well as she set off after toiling away for more than half of the soap’s years on the air. Lydia Look (Selina) sent her “love, light and magic” on her journey. And who can’t use those things?


Parry Shen (Brad) told Chaudhuri that “it was a joy watching you work. You’d just look once at me wearing my off-the-rack suit and then start pinning and hemming, and then the next day, voila — custom suit!”

While Bradford Anderson (Spinelli) exclaimed that he was “so grateful for your expertise over the years!” Risa Dorken (Amy) shared her hope for “health and happiness” for Chaudhuri in the years to come.


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