Big Brother 25 host Julie Chen Moonves weighs in on the Final 3, including the houseguest she thinks might have lost the trust of the jury.
Big Brother season 25 host Julie Chen Moonves has been watching the houseguests closely all season, and she thinks that Jag Bains might have lost too much trust with the jury to win the game. The Mafia alliance, made up of Jag, Matt Klotz, and Bowie Jane, made it to the Final 3 after Bowie nominated Matt and Felicia Cannon for eviction. After going back and forth about whom to evict, Power of Veto winner Jag decided to stay loyal to his Final 2 Minutemen alliance member Matt, which meant the three Mafia members made it to the Big Brother 25 Final 3.
In an interview with EW, Julie discussed the strengths and weaknesses of Matt, Bowie, and Jag. She declared that Jag’s strength is his resume, citing the fact that he broke the single-season Power of Veto record with seven wins. However, Julie also pointed out that Jag hasn’t had the best jury management. She explained, “His weakness is that people in the jury may have respect for his comp skills, but do they by and large feel deep love or affection for him? Some are angry with him because they could never trust him.”
Big Brother 25’s Matt Klotz Trusts Jag Bains “Too Much”
Julie thinks that Matt’s biggest strength is his social game, explaining, “He is beloved by pretty much everyone.” However, she believes that Matt’s “weakness is trusting Jag too much and following what Jag wants.” Julie also pointed out that Matt has the least number of wins of the Final 3. As for Bowie, Julie feels that her strength is “her 3 HOH wins, and they were all recent, so they are fresh in the minds of the jurors. Her weakness is that she has no bonds with any of the jurors.” As finale night approaches, Julie is most looking forward to seeing “who wins HOH” and “how the jury votes…emotionally or logically!”
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Julie is right that Jag betrayed every Big Brother 25 jury member, including Cameron Hardin, Cory Wurtenberger, Blue Kim, America Lopez, Cirie Fields, and Felicia. While it may be argued that backstabbing is part of the game, some of Jag’s tactics were unnecessary. However, many of the jury members are superfans of the game, so they will most likely look past their personal feelings and respect Jag’s resume. Then again, Jag’s wins came mostly after many of the power players were evicted. He also had a longer season and weaker fellow competitors to play against and win.
Julie’s also correct in saying that Matt trusts Jag too much. This was evident when Matt allowed Bowie and Jag to manipulate him into picking a number to decide whether he or Jag would sit on the chopping block next to Felicia. Bowie and Jag had conspired behind Matt’s back to rig the contest in Jag’s favor, but Matt trusted them so much that it didn’t occur to him to question it. Matt would be better off taking Bowie to the Final 2 with him than Jag, but he’ll probably remain loyal to him. It’ll be interesting to see who Jag chooses if he wins the final HOH competition.
The final two Big Brother season 25 episodes air Tuesday, November 7 at 8 p.m. EST and Thursday, November 9 at 8 p.m. EST on CBS.