Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Is Jag Planning To Cut Matt At Fainal 4?
Jag Bains holds all the power this week on “Big Brother 25” as the special Sunday eviction arrives to send out the sixth Juror and move us to the Final 3 stage of the season. This means he has a very important decision to make: cut or keep Matt Klotz? Matt and Jag have been…
Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Week 13 Veto Meeting Is Over, Check Out The Final Noms & The Target
Mondays bring the Veto Ceremony to the Big Brother 25 house and with only five houseguests remaining, there shouldn’t be any surprises at this stage in the game. Matt is the Head of Household for Week 13 of Big Brother and he has nominated Felicia and Cirie for eviction. He has told Felicia that Cirie…